January-March 2022_Optimized


W e start this year with a solid leadership base beginning with our General Manager, Mr. Dave Porter. His leadership will complement this year's Board, Tom Smith, Ken Schoenherr, Bhret McCabe, Scott Peters, Todd Reeves (President-Elect), myself, and Dale Gorham (everyone's favorite, outgoing President now Chairman of the Board). This year's new Board members Rob Roberts and Paul Wilson, extend the talent. Last year's Board did a great job moving through the processes necessary to bring some needed improvements and implementing changes pointed out by the Chambers member survey. Some of the changes are already evident, as in the improvements to the area at the Lakeside Activity Center. Pickleball courts, basketball courts, pool slides, and the improved poolside will make that area come alive this summer. I can only imagine what the pool and Lakeside area will look and sound like this summer once completed. The Lakeside improvements should be ready to use in March. There is much to do in the coming year as last year's Board presented and approved a very aggressive agenda. That agenda included four specific projects; 1. The Lakeside Activity Center, as previously mentioned; 2. A June start to redo the greens, bunkers, and tees at the Legacy course with a projected October finish. 3. Expansion of the Legacy clubhouse seating and outdoor patio areas will also begin in June; color renditions of the expansion should soon be available; 4. In 2023, construction on the irrigation system at Founders will be completed. For the first time in Greystone's history, membership has maintained growth for 24 months. This growth is unprecedented. Having over 700 GEMS (Golf Equivalent Members) is an outstanding accomplishment. With the goal set at 800 GEMS, it's possible to see us hitting that goal in the next 12 to 24 months. Our success thus far and the continued growth we are experiencing is only possible through a highly coordinated marketing process and a membership that wants to share their experience of Greystone.

I was asked several times during last year what my focus would be during my Presidency. It seems like it has been set with the activity facing the Club. However, I do have a few things that would make Greystone better. We will start by raising the bar on expectations. One fundamental way to do that is to try and increase everyone's understanding of how clubs operate. Everyone knows or has heard about Greystone University's success for our staff. One of the additions to this year's University is the creation of a member curriculum. There are four sessions during the year, with six weekly meetings lasting 1.5 hours. The first session starts on January 12th; subsequent sessions will begin on March 9th, June 8th, and September 7th. Once you have completed all six classes, you will receive a $500 gift certificate usable at the Club. Greystone is not just a Country Club. It is a collection of many business interests coordinated to ensure it works for our members. Greystone University for Members is a direct effort of the Club to increase each member's understanding of how it all comes together As a Charter member, I have seen a lot happen at Greystone. I have never seen so many positive and quality folks we can call friends. Thank you for having confidence in me, as I look forward to working with you in 2022. If there is anything we can do, do not hesitate to give us that opportunity.

Be Safe!

Mark McGarvey 2022 President


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