2024 Men's Member Guest -- Player's Guide
13 Event Information (cont ’ d.)
Ties: If there is a tie for the Championship a sudden death playoff will take place and #18 will be played again with the same handicap strokes as when played the first time. If still tied #18 hole will be played from 100 yards (Alternate ShotFormat) to determine the winner (no h ’ cap). If still tied then a chip - off by one of the players on each team will take place with the closest distance to the hole being awarded the winners prize. For this shoot - out both players will hit and will choose the clos est to represent the team. The area of play for the chip - off will be determined by Competition Committee. The second team to hit will not be able to look when the first teams hits.
General Information
Any pertinent information and bulletins will be posted at the official scoreboards and on the Golf Genius App: GGID# GGCCMG24
Complimentary Haircuts will be available in the Founders Lounge Area. Many thanks to Jessica Lanier for her service.
Wednesday: 10 am - 4 pm
Complimentary Massages will be available everyday of the event. This service will be offered each morning and be available until the late afternoon.
Range balls will be provided each day at both courses.
Tournament Committee
The Tournament Committee shall consist of the Competition Committee Members as well as Comp. Committee Chair Mark Blackburn, Director of Golf, Head Golf Professionals at the Legacy and Founders. If a ruling involves a Competition Committee member that member will be excused from ruling All protests, appeals and tourna ment decisions will be settled by the Tournament Committee. This committee will arbitrate all disputes and protests and determine any changes in format forced upon the event by inclement weather. All decisions made by the Tournament Committee are final.
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