The Stone April - June 2021 Newsletter

Just in case you missed the news last Fall, the Board recently approved a new Legacy Gifting Program for all Equity Members of Greystone. This is great news for those of you with adult children! As you may recall, you have always had the ability to pass your membership down through the Legacy Transfer Option in our Bylaws. The unfortunate part about this option is that it requires that you exit the Club when your membership and all equity rights associated with it, pass down to your child. With our new Legacy Gifting Program, you can stay and enjoy the club with your children. Under the new program, all Equity Members (Regular, Corporate and Life) now have the following additional benefits for their adult children (natural, adopted or stepchildren): Children 23 and older can join as a Social Member with no initiation fee. (access to all amenities, except golf). For access to all amenities, including golf (and if under age 35), they may join as a Young Professional Member with no initiation fee. Once they turn 35, they must convert to or join as a Regular Membership and pay a $10,000 transfer fee. This fee may be deferred 1 year and paid over 5 years, interest-free. 2. For Equity Members with Gifting and Redemption Rights, you can “Gift” to one child to satisfy the $10,000 fee in lieu of receiving future redemption. As we approach our Club’s 30th Anniversary, may we be reminded of the important things in life: family, friends, time, and traditions. Together we share a history of hosting PGA Tour Champions, a sense of belonging to a special place and a legacy of families coming together through the generations. We hope you will use this Gifting Program to share the Club and build your family’s legacy at Greystone. If you are interested in gifting a membership or if further questions remain, please contact me directly at (205) 986-5146 or • 1. You can “Gift” a membership to each of your children. •

Ashley Devine Membership Marketing Director


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