The Stone April - June 2021 Newsletter

MEMBER PACKAGE $350 $300 (2 adult badges + dependents under 26)* $50/day (Print-at-home)

*$50 discount now offered through April 11th!

Two (2) personalized badges and lanyards - Household dependents (under 26) receive badges at no cost - One (1) Lot A parking pass • Access into Cellar 91 and Back Patio + all new member V.I.P. tent • VIP Access into private concerts in member areas • Member packages can be picked up at the Founders Clubhouse • Proceeds from member packages benefits Children’s Hospital • NEW! Two Greystone Member adult hats with the Regions Tradition logo and the Greystone crest -Hats will have "Greystone Member" and we encourage everyone to wear them daily, but especially on Sunday -Youth hats will be available for purchase


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