Tennis Center Guide
LEAGUE PLAY Greystone Tennis offers a variety of programs that Members can register for throughout the year. To learn more and register for a League please contact the Tennis Center: .
LADIES SOFTCOURT LEAGUE We have 8 teams ranging all levels that participate in the Birmingham Ladies Softcourt League in both the spring and fall seasons. This league encompasses the competitive and social aspects of ladies tennis. Matches consist of four singles and four doubles matches and lunch is provided for the completion of play. All Greystone members who sign up are guaranteed a roster spot.
LITL The Ladies Interclub Tennis League is a doubles league whose season mirrors the Softcourt League, both spring and Fall. Matches consist of three doubles matches.
SUMMER USTA USTA leagues begin in the summer months. Greystone Members can join our combo & tri-level teams that play from May to August.
FROSTY DOUBLES LEAGUE Frosty Doubles is a league we created within our club for December and January play. Players are assigned a weekly court and play one set with each player as their partner. It is a fun league that keeps our members active in the absence of local league play.
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