Tennis Center Guide


Our Mission The Greystone Tennis & Racquet Sports Center is committed to providing top instructional, competitive, & social tennis to Greystone Members and guests. Our staff is dedicated to ensuring that each individual’s experience at our first class facility is met with equal levels of professionalism and accessibility from our digital communications, court booking, and registrations to our hands-on staffing solutions.

Tennis Center Hours Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 7:30pm Friday 8:00am – 7:30pm Saturday 8:00am – 5pm Sunday 10:00am – 5pm Tennis Courts Open Daily 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM Pickleball & Basketball Courts Open Daily 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM

contact us Director of Racquet Sports Kristijan Mitrovski

(205)986-5144 Front Desk (205)986-5154

The Tennis Center & Racquet-Sport Courts

10 Clay Tennis Courts 2 Hard Tennis Courts 4 Pickleball Courts Tennis Pro Shop Covered Pavillion Court-Side Seating Outdoor Bar & Fireplace

Racquet Court RULES • All players must sign in at the Tennis Shop prior to beginning play, advance registrations can be made by calling the Tennis Shop or online using the Greystone App or • If playing at the Aquatics Facility, please call the Tennis Shop Front Desk at 205-986-5154 to confirm court. • The rules of the USTA shall apply except when Head Pro determines otherwise. • The Tennis Director shall determine if courts are playable due to weather conditions. • All Guests must be registered in the Tennis Shop. See Guest Policy for additional information. • Acceptable tennis attire includes: Flat, non marking sole tennis shoes. No running shoes are allowed on the soft courts. Tee shirts or other tops exposing the mid-section or other areas of the body are not ac ceptable. Additional attire follows general country club policy. • Courts may be reserved for 1.5 hours. You may play past your time if courts are not reserved. • Tennis lessons may be booked through the Tennis Shop. • If unable to keep your reserved court time, please notify the Tennis Shop. A fifteen minute grace period will be allowed. Failure to show up for court time within the fifteen minute grace period will result in forfeiture of the court if other Members are waiting and no other courts are available.

GUEST POLICY Greystone Golf & Country Club welcomes guests to the tennis facility. Guests are limited to five visits per month, and they must be accompanied by a member. There is a $5.00 fee for each guest per visit and the fee can be paid by either the member or the guest. COURT ASSIGNMENT PRIORITY 1. All Inter-Club League Play: • Ladies Softcourt League • USTA Weekday Women’s League (2.5, 3.0, 3.5...)

• USTA Tri-Level League • USTA Combo League • USTA Seniors League • LITL (Ladies’ Interclub Tennis League) (2.5, 3.0, 3.5...) • USTA Flex League (Not considered Inter-club) • Junior Tennis League 2. Teaching Pro Courts 3. Flex League

4. Member Reserved Courts (non-league play) 5. Special Events *May supersede above order TENNIS LESSON CANCELLATION POLICY

It is our desire as teaching professionals to provide the highest quality instruction to all members. Due to the very high demand for tennis lessons, and also a high frequency rate of last minute cancellations and no shows, we will be implementing a 24 hour cancellation policy. In developing this policy we have spoken to many comparable country clubs in the area for information as well as consulted the Swim, Tennis & Fitness Committee. As a courtesy to our members and teaching professionals, the policy requires that cancellations that fall within the 24 hour period be charged the standard lesson rate. Personal or immediate family emergencies and illnesses will be excused and the professional will also have discretionary allowances.

LEAGUE PLAY Greystone Tennis offers a variety of programs that Members can register for throughout the year. To learn more and register for a League please contact the Tennis Center: .

LADIES SOFTCOURT LEAGUE We have 8 teams ranging all levels that participate in the Birmingham Ladies Softcourt League in both the spring and fall seasons. This league encompasses the competitive and social aspects of ladies tennis. Matches consist of four singles and four doubles matches and lunch is provided for the completion of play. All Greystone members who sign up are guaranteed a roster spot.

LITL The Ladies Interclub Tennis League is a doubles league whose season mirrors the Softcourt League, both spring and Fall. Matches consist of three doubles matches.

SUMMER USTA USTA leagues begin in the summer months. Greystone Members can join our combo & tri-level teams that play from May to August.

FROSTY DOUBLES LEAGUE Frosty Doubles is a league we created within our club for December and January play. Players are assigned a weekly court and play one set with each player as their partner. It is a fun league that keeps our members active in the absence of local league play.

Private Lessons Our team of certified professionals is ready to help you achieve your tennis goals. Whether you are interested in one-on-one private coaching or if you and a group of friends are looking to refine your skills on the courts, our staff of Tennis Professionals is here to help.

Kristijan Mitrovski

Pardis Kianoush

Mitch Martell

Clint Johnson

Private Lessons





Semi-Private Lessons Three Person Lessons Four Person Lessons













Junior TENNIS Programs Kids are grouped by skill levels ranging from beginner, intermediate, to advanced (high school level). Beginner & IntermediAte AVAILABLE FOR AGES 5-12 For beginner groups we use smaller racquets and low compression orange balls that are lighter and have a lower bounce to make it eas ier for these youngsters to control the ball and learn. Classes consist of basic stroke develop ment and fun tennis games. Intermediate groups use low compression green balls that have a slightly lower bounce. Classes focus on stroke development and the beginnings of rallying and point-play. Monday &Wednesday 4:00pm - 5:00pm (additional times open up as classes fill) $60/month for 4 sessions (1 days/week) $105/month for 8 sessions (2 days/week)


Classes focus on intense drilling, singles and doubles strategies, and point play. Throughout the Spring High School Tennis Season we offer High School Level programs on a case by case basis. Students can work with our trainers to develop a program schedule with tailor made classes designed just for their specific needs. Monday-Thursday 10am-12pm


Kid’s Tennis Camp AVAILABLE FOR AGES 5-12

Greystone offers several different kid’s tennis camps that take place throughout the year. Camp formats include a mixture of clinic-style lessons combined with fun tennis games, and activities for kids to engage in and socialize with their peers. For an up-to-date list of our kid’s programsview the Greystone calendar online at • New Year’s Tennis Camp • Kid’s Summer Camp (combined with swim, fitness, & golf) • Turkey Camp • Christmas Camp

LADIES TENNIS Programs The purpose of the Greystone Ladies’ Tennis Asso ciation (GLTA) is to serve as a Board to guide deci sions that best suit the Softcourt tennis program at Greystone and to encourage club members to play. TEAM CHALLENGES

It is the strong suggestion of the Board that all teams challenge for court position prior to the season beginning. If one team member wants to challenge, all must or risk defaulting court position. The Board has determined that all challenges will follow two set format. There will be a tiebreak at 6 all in each set. Scoring is as follows: most sets won, least games lost, most games won and finally, head to head if needed. The tally of these will determine court position. If a team has more that 8 members, it is the Board’s recommendation that courts 3 and 4

rotate in singles and doubles to accommodate the number of team members so they receive equal playing time. This needs to be discussed by each captain with their team.

CLINICS AND FEES If a team member commits to clinic, then payment through monthly billing is expected. A Pro establishes team clinics based upon a 4 to 1 ratio. Team captains are responsible for contact ing Tennis Pros to set up clinic times should a teamdecide they would like to do a clinic. This is not mandatory for teams. STATS AND MOVING UP LEVELS

Currently, a first court player must make 12/16 sets or 11/14 depending on team matches scheduled – not played in order to petition to move up. Court players may move up to the next level if they make 100% AND if there is a need. Players who alternate courts during the season may forgo their opportunity to move up. EVENT RESPONSIBILITIES The GLTA is responsible for putting on the annual Member/Guest event. The GLTA also helps to coordinate any additional events / fundraisers that members may present to the Board and a date is determined.


Need to improve your focus, anticipation or reaction time? Are you working on moving from defense to offense in your game?

Practice your tennis skills while getting an effective workout in our Men’s Clinics with Mitch Martell. $25 per session Contact Mitch to register: | 903.343.6707


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