November December 2017 Newsletter
Personal Training Client Testimonial M y name is Ali Cash and having Dalton as my trainer at Greystone was one of the best decisions I ever made. I was always active growing up, but this began to be less of a priority for me when I was in college. Over time, I began to realize my metabolism was no longer what it used to be and this lifestyle change had caused me to gain weight. After I got engaged, I was being unhappy about the weight gain so I decided I needed to make some changes. I called the Greystone Fitness Department to see if I could start workingwith a personal trainer. Dalton Gillilan reached out to me and since then he has been the biggest help! He has been nothing but encouraging and professional. Dalton has helped me become more educated about fitness and nutrition. Beliefs I thought were true about how to be a healthier person simply were not true, and Dalton helped me see that. Dalton strived to know me well as a client, and he was always prepared for what would be the best workout for me. He also took the time to figure what my calorie intake should be for the best results. I have never seen results like I have now! Twenty pounds lighter, happier, and more educated! I am so happy with my decision to work with a personal trainer and am confident to continue with my lifestyle change. -ALI CASH " " this Holiday Season Give the Gift of HEALTH & RELAXATION Gift Certificates Available in the Fitness Center for: massage therapy, personal training, health & fitness evaluations, and nutrition consultations/coaching. Combination gift certificates of the above services are available. If you purchase multiple gift certificates, you will receive a discount! Call or come by today to compile the perfect gift pack- age for your loved one! Gift wrap available. Holiday Massage It’s that time of year again, the Greystone Holiday Massage Package Special is back! Each package includes three, 60-minute-Deep Tissue Massages for ONLY $200! This offer is only available from Friday, November 24th through December 22nd. Don’t miss out! Call 986.5139 or come by the fitness center to purchase certificates! FITNESS H oliday W orkouts & R elaxation
Holiday HIIT (high intensity interval training) NO EQUIPMENT LEG KILLER: 4 Rounds, No Rest! -25 Body Squats -10 Diamond Push-Ups -25 Body Squats -10 Lateral Lunges -25 Body Squats -10 Sit-Ups 4 MINUTE TABATA TORTURE 8 Rounds of the Following: -Burpee, 20 Seconds -Rest, 10 Seconds -Diamond Push-Ups, 20 Seconds -Rest, 10 Seconds -Burpee/Jump-Tuck. 20 Seconds -Rest, 10 seconds -Plank/Pike Jump, 20 Seconds -Rest, 10 Seconds The Fitness Center is ALWAYS open 24/7 no matter the holiday! We will not have group fitness classes on Thursday, November 24th (Thanksgiving Day) or December 23rd through the 26th and New Year’s Day.
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