Hopefully you received the “Reach 1,000”
campaign e-newsletter. The success of this
membership campaign is a positive game
changer for the club. Greystone Member
Ambassadors, responsible for meeting and
acclimating new and prospective members,
are key to the campaign’s success. Signing up
to serve as an Ambassador is voluntary, but I
assure you it is a fun way to meet new friends
and discuss common interests.
The Spring Member-Guest Golf Tournament on
April 28-30th is another great way to introduce
potential members to the club. Be sure to sign
up early; it fills up fast!
If you haven’t already, mark your calendars
for the Regions Tradition Golf Tournament
returning to Greystone Founders May 18-22.
This is a world-class event for everyone from
golf enthusiasts to young families. Everyone
will enjoy an afternoon with friends and
neighbors. Thousands of guests and millions
of television viewers will experience a glimpse
of our beautiful neighborhood, impeccable
golf course, clubhouses, and most of all, our
genuine southern hospitality.
All the best,
Terry Smith
TerrySmith@edgarsbakery.com(205) 910-3917
President’s Message
Fellow Greystone members,
If Punxsutawney Phil had any say in the matter,
we will have an early spring this year! And
Greystone Golf & Country Club is the place to be.
Our new restaurant is taking shape and is set to
open on Tuesday, April 12th, and its ambiance
will be only a small portion of the experience.
Management has heard your mandate to provide
excellent food and service on a consistent basis.
While this is no small task, I am confident
their commitment to provide an outstanding
experience has never been greater. The only
thing left is naming the venue and for that, we
need your input. Be sure to check the Enews for
the link to vote.
The Fitness Center continues to draw
unprecedented attendance with visits up 65%
over last year. Our team of professional trainers
and staff is second to none and encourage all
of us to live healthy, happy lives. Please join
me in congratulating our new Fitness Director,
Todd Makofski, on his promotion. Stop by and
congratulate him on his new role and while you
are there, take advantage of our new facility and
meet the staff. They take great pride in your
health and wellbeing.
Greystone Golf & Country Club | March- April 2016