January-March 2022_Optimized



AROMATHERAPY + HAND & FOOT SCRUBS NEW MASSAGE PACKAGE ADD-ONS Introducing new hand and foot scrubs and aromatherapy add-ons for your massages. Reset your mind, body, & spirit with an aromatherapy session added on to your massage package for $10. Hydrate and replenish your skin through our hand and/or foot scrub add-ons for only $20. CONTACT US 4100Greystone Drive • 205.986.5139 • fitness@greystonecc.com Dalton Gillilan, Fitness Director 205.986.5139 | dgillilan@greystonecc.com

Greystone’s New Year Mileage Challenge for the American Heart Association: Donations of $10 or more to enter the contest, mileage must be completed at the Fitness Center, mileage can be completed on any piece of equipment, contestants must show proof of mileage via photo of mile- age on the equipment used, top 3 mileages by the end of February will receive club gift cards for 1st place $200 and 2nd and 3rd place $100.

Monday 8:30 AM Total Body Basics Shayna 9:15 AM Barre Above Shayna 10:00 AM Muscle Worx Shayna

Tuesday 5:45 AM Sunrise Cycle Tammy 7:00 AM Men’s Yoga Lynellen 8:15 AM Hard “core” Shayna 9:00 AM Spin

Wednesday 8:30 AM Total Body Basics Shayna 9:15 AM Barre Above Shayna 10:00 AM Body Blast Shayna 6:00 PM H.I.I.T. Tammy

Thursday 5:45 AM Sunrise Cycle Tammy 7:00 AM Men’s Yoga Lynellen 8:30 AM Hard “core”

Friday 7:00 AM Golf Stretch Lynellen 8:00 AM Body Sculpt Jeordon

Saturday 8:30 AM Bar Strength Tammy 9:30 AM Cardio Mix Tammy 10:15 AM Yoga Grace

9:00 AM H.I.I.T. Jeordon

Jeordon 9:30 AM

6:00 PM Body Circuit Tammy

Sunday No Classes

Shayna 9:30 AM H.I.I.T. Shayna 10:30 AM Yoga Grace


GROUP FITNESS PACKAGES • Individual Package $29 Monthly

10:30 AM Yoga Lynellen

• Family Package $49 Monthly • $10 Drop-In and Guest Fee


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