January-February 2018 Newsletter
G eneral M anager ’ s M essage
Dear Members, Happy New Year! 2018 is sure to be an amazing year at Greystone with so many improvements planned. As you know, John Onsa wi l l be starting in January as our new Food and Beverage Director. John is very excited to join our team and will be anxious to make a significant impact immediately. His focus during the first quarter of the year will be building relation- ships, training staff, developing new operating standards to match our Club-wide service vision, and creating an atmosphere where members choose the Club as their first destination for dining. Our team has planned some exciting social events for the first few months of the year. Please mark your calendar for Comedy Night on Saturday, February 3rd, and our Mardi Gras Party on Saturday, February 17th.
If your company or family is planning a private social event, please contact Candice Smith at csmith@greystonecc. com, or if your company or charity you serve is looking to host a golf outing, please contact Steve Smith at ssmith@ greystonecc.com. Our capital projects for 2018 include focus on the pool complex, tennis courts, main floor of Founders and golf course bridges and paths. Details will be sent to the members in a separate letter. We have an exciting year ahead! I look forward to seeing you around the Club.
The 2018 Club committees have been formed and we have increased the number of members on each committee. Committee service is just one avenue for members to provide input on the operations of the Club. I want to remind you that we are embarking on some changes to the Legacy food and beverage operation. The Men’s Grille will become the Golfer’s Grille and be co-ed. Doors are being installed to separate the locker and restroom area. The Falls dining room will now be open for lunch. The lunch menu will be reduced to six popular options and we will offer a limited breakfast menu. Food service will close at a specific time depending on the season. It will close at 4PM for January and February. Chef’s Dinner will be offered at Legacy two Fridays per month. Please look in this issue for the Fridays available.
Best regards,
Dave Porter General Manager
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