Jan-Feb Newsletter 2019


2019 SPRING PREP PROGRAM WITH BRIAN SPEAKMAN, LIZ MATTIOLI, & MAX DOSTER JANUARY 2019 THRU MARCH 2019 • BEGIN PROGRAM AT ANY TIME Don’t start your spring golf season rusty again. Be proactive through the winter months to be at the top of your game come spring 2019! Open to men, women, and juniors. This flexible program offers everything you need to reach your full potential and can be designed for at home, in the gym, at the golf course, or all three. Starts with a 2-hr. initial evaluation to include TPI assessment, swing analysis, and program design (includes workout and practice plan). Includes four 1-hr. follow-up lessons with necessary program revisions, 2-hr. on course session, and two trackman sessions to dial in club/wedge distances.

$950 for Members/Juniors $1150 for Non-Members

WINTER WARRIOR WEDNESDAY CLINIC SESSIONS WEDNESDAYS JANUARY 9 THROUGH FEBRUARY 27 • FROM 1-2PM AT LEGACY If you are interested in keeping the rust off of your game so you are in tip top shape for spring golf season, sign up for Winter Warrior Wednesdays. Each week meet us at the Blackburn Golf Academy at Greystone Legacy to focus on developing and refining your golf skills, so that you can tackle the 2019 season head on. Contact Liz@blackburngolf.com to sign up.

$30 per member $35 per guest for each session (Minimum of 3 participants)


January & February 2019 Newsletter

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