GLGA 2020 Handbook


Founders Golf Shop...............................986-5126 Legacy Golf Shop...................................986-5160

Director of Golf...................................... Director of Instruction............................ Legacy Head Golf Professional............ Founders Head Golf Professional......... Blackburn Lead Instructor.....................

Steve Smith (986-5151) Mark Blackburn (986-5152) Jon Gibbons (986-5163) Dave Kuykendall (986-5129) Liz Mattioli (527-1843)

Helpful Terms

BEST BALL, TWOSOME - Team of two. Best ball score of the two, minus handicap for that hole. BEST BALL, FOURSOME - Team of four. Best ball of the four, minus handicap for that hole. TWOBESTBALLS, FOURSOME - Team of four. Best two balls of the four, minus handicap. LOW GROSS - Lowest total score without handicap. LOW NET - Lowest total score after handicap adjustment. POINTS - A minimum of 6 points is required in Greystone Ladies Golf Association events. Bogey - 1 point Par - 2 points

EAGLE – an eagle is achieved when a player completes a hole with a score two strokes under par. BIRDIE - a birdie is achieved when a player completes a hole with a score one stroke under par. RINGER - a ringer is achieved when a player breaks a previous per- sonal best score on a hole as posted in the Ringer Book. SCRAMBLE - Play from the best shot of the foursome, within one club length of the shot selected (if the best shot is in the rough, sand, hazard, etc., all shots of the foursome must be played from the same ground that is rough, sand, hazard, etc.)

Birdie – 4 points Eagle - 8 points


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