an attractive tourist destination for bowl games. They also have higher populations than Birmingham so they have more locals to fill the stands. Like the Birmingham Bowl, the Liberty Bowl and the Music City Bowl both feature a team from the SEC, which is most often considered the best conference in college football. Weaknesses: The Camellia Bowl and Godaddy Bowl t yp i ca l l y ge t l owe r ranked teams placed in their games, making them not as appealing as the Birmingham Bowl. The other bowl games that take place in Alabama do not have the luxury of occurring in the state’s largest city, Birmingham. Live Broadcast Increasing access to smartphones and tablets give consumers more options for watching games. 94% of the population owns a cellphone or smartphone, and tablet ownership rates quadrupled from 2012 to 2015. A lot of people would rather watch from the comfort of their own home because of the convenience it provides. Though people seek comfort while watching football, the home- or bar- viewing experience does not deliver an experience equivalent to attending the actual game. Though sports broadcasting and the Internet can simply redisplay moments that occur during the game, they do not possess the ability to recreate the sensory details that only the mind can formulate. By attending the game, consumers have the ability to immerse themselves into a cultural opportunity that will become something greater than they could have ever experienced from their couch. Strengths: Live broadcast allows sports fans to watch the game live from the comfort of their own home (or wherever
they choose to watch the game). Quicker access to Internet and phone service is available at locations outside the stadium for live tweeting and updates. High definition television also makes viewers feel as if they are almost getting the live experience. Fans also have the ability to watch multiple games at once when they choose to watch the game on TV. In addition, it can be less costly because consumers don’t have to purchase a ticket to the game in order to watch it on television. Weaknes ses : One th i ng tha t l i ve broadcast will never be able to provide is the authentic, traditional live experience. I n te rms o f the B i rmi ngham Bowl specifically, live broadcast doesn’t allow the consumer to grow as a member of the Birmingham community because it prevents the viewer from celebrating with thousands of other Birminghamites at the game. Live broadcast also contributes to the laziness that has become one of society’s major downfalls.
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